Sunday, April 8, 2012

Should I?

I went to dinner with the Bennets and Darcy. I paid close attention to Jane. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Somehow we ended up alone. I want to propose, but I'm not so sure...

Returning to Netherfield

I am returning to the park for a few weeks. I intend on seeing the Bennets and hopefully Jane. Darcy has told me about how he found Lydia. I hope that made Elizabeth see him better. He is clearly still in love with her.

They Married

It has become evident that they are married. Although it is obvious Wickham has been paid to do so. It is better than I bad reputaion however. I wonder how Jane feels about all this....?

This Is So Embarresing

I can't believe that Lydia has eloped with Wickham. Even with the him and Darcy's past. It it is so obvious that Elizabeth and Darcy love each other. It would be such an embarrassment if they do not wed. Their family name will be ruined

Monday, March 12, 2012

I Saw Jane

I decided to go on a walk to clear my head. I kept thinking about all the things that Darcy had done. The i saw Jane across the way. It was awkward so I didn't say anything. We then made eye contact. She turned her head and just walked walked away, so i followed suit. Maybe Darcy wasn't so wrong after all.

It Keeps Getting Worse

Now that Darcy has practically ruined me and Jane because I'm "too good" he goes and confesses his love for Elizabeth. This is outrageous. I do not believe I can put up with him for much longer. My sister too. They are all starting to really bother me.

I Hate Darcy

I can't believe that someone would do such a thing! My so called friend broke me and Jane up. My sister also helped. She wants me to marry Georgiana Darcy. I do not see why I can't just marry who I want. I want Jane!!!